Class CategoryCreateUpdate


This Class represents a dataobject for creating or updating a Category.

Variable Summary
string $Description
String[] $LanguageAccess
string $LanguageISO
int $ParentId
string $SeoCanonical
string $SeoKeywords
string $SeoLink
string $SeoTitle
int[] $ShowInMenu
int $Sorting
boolean $Status
string $Title
string $Description

The description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

string $DescriptionBottom

The bottom description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

String[] $LanguageAccess

Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID

string $LanguageISO

The language ISO code of the Category for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)

int $ParentId

The id of the parent Category of the Category

string $SeoCanonical

The seo canonical of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

string $SeoDescription

The Seo description of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

string $SeoKeywords

The seo keywords of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

string $SeoLink

The Seo link of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

string $SeoTitle

The seo title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

int[] $ShowInMenu

The Ids of the UserGroups that can view this category in the frontend menu (null for all, array[] for none, array[0,1,2,3] for specific). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests".

int $Sorting

The position of the Category amongst its siblings

boolean $Status

Whether or not the Category is visible in the shop

string $Title

The title of the Category in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

int[] $UserGroupAccessIds

The Ids of the UserGroups that can access this product of the Product (empty for all). The UserGroup with id 0 represents "visible for guests"

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:45 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4